AmigaActive (356/2143)

From:Samuel Byford
Date:4 May 2000 at 22:26:32
Subject:Re: Boot failure


> No, no ;)
> Coz that could mess around with the startup itself
> 'Intuition is attempting to.. please close all windows except drawers'
> get it? :)

In that case its simply a case of a program being run before Workbench has had a chance to change the screenmode to whatever settings you have set.

Move anything from wbstartup into a temporary directory somewhere else and comment out any programs you think might be loaded from the user-startup then slowly reintroduce them one at a time.

When you find the problem program set its tool types to a low (-50 for eg.) priority. or tell it "Wait 50".

That should do it...


Bifford the Youngest
(Sam Byford)
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